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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Bright Sight Eyecare a proud provider of vision care products and services in Mount Prospect.

Delaram Bahmani, O.D.

Dr. Delaram BahmaniDr. Delaram Bahmani was raised in Orange County, California and attended the University California of Irvine where she earned a bachelor’s in Biological Sciences. She then moved to Chicago to continue her education at the Illinois College of Optometry, ultimately earning Doctor of Optometry.
She is certified in Corneal Refractive Therapy (CRT), which is a non-surgical option that uses specialized contact lenses to correct nearsightedness.

Dr. Bahmani is a passionate optometrist who embraces cutting-edge technology to provide exceptional care to her patients. With a keen interest in utilizing the latest advancements in the field, she ensures accurate diagnoses and effective treatment options. Beyond her professional expertise, Dr. Bahmani possesses a warm and welcoming demeanor, always striving to build meaningful connections with her patients. She believes that understanding their unique needs and concerns is key to delivering personalized and holistic care. Outside of her practice, Dr.Bahmani indulges in her love for travel, exploring new destinations and immersing herself in diverse cultures. When she’s not globe-trotting, she cherishes quality time with her family and enjoys discovering hidden culinary gems in her city